1.5. JSON format for plugin data

The metadata used by the plugin is:

A version is composed of: - its version : The version number - a downloadUrl : The url to download the plugin .jar. It can be a local path. - depends : A list of other GroIMP plugin required to run the plugin. The plugins are designed by their id and a version number - libs : A list of external libraries required by the plugin. The list must contains the name of the jar used by groimp and an url (or local path) to fetch that jar.

Here is an example of a plugin.json file:

        "id" : "de.grogra.test",
        "name" : "Test",
        "description" : "This is a testing plugin",
        "helpUrl": "https://gitlab.com/grogra/groimp-plugins/",
        "vendor": "de.grogra",
        "mainClass": "",
        "versions" : {
            "1.2.3" : {
                "downloadUrl" : "https://gitlab.com/grogra/groimp-plugins/Test/download",
                "libs" : {
                "xmlbeans.jar" :"https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/xmlbeans/xmlbeans/2.3.0/xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar"
                "depends" : {