Chapter 4. Using GroIMP

Table of Contents

4.1. User Interface
4.2. Common Panel Handling
4.3. GroIMP's Projects
4.4. Common Panels
4.4.1. File Explorer
4.4.2. Text Editor
4.4.3. Text Editor jEdit
4.4.4. Image Explorer
4.4.5. Attribute Editor
4.4.6. Preferences
4.4.7. Other Explorer Panels
4.5. Import and Export Formats: MTG - Multiscale Tree Graph

4.1. User Interface

GroIMP is equipped with a modern, configurable graphical user interface. It supports user-defined layouts of panels, including arrangement of panels in tab groups and floating windows. Screenshot of GroIMP shows a typical screenshot with 3D view.

Figure 4.1. Screenshot of GroIMP

Screenshot of GroIMP

You can see the panels View, Attribute Editor, File Explorer, Text Editor, Toolbar and Statusbar. The panels Images and Materials are hidden, they are arranged together with File Explorer in a tab group. The panel Text Editor is not contained in GroIMP's main window but in its own floating window. Details of these panels will be described in the following.